Facial Aesthetics
For facial rejuvenation using natural products such as botox and collagen fillers to give a naturally younger look.

You don’t just smile with your teeth – you smile with your eyes and the whole of your face. So at Sunnyside we consider the whole smile and offer a range of treatments using Botox for forehead, crows’ feet and frown lines, and natural collagen fillers such as Teosyal for deeper wrinkles and folds.
It is important to note that both products will reduce gradually within 4-9 months and will require top-ups as necessary.
About Cosmetic Proceedures
At Sunny Side Dental Centre we understand the cosmetic sector is a rapidly expanding area of practice, and cosmetic interventions can have a significant impact on the health and wellbeing of patients.
Recently there have been concerns raised about patient safety and whether the cosmetic surgery sector operates in an ethical manner or works within any particular, practical or legal standards framework. We believe it is important that cosmetic procedure practitioners have the right skills, the products used are safe, and that patients get accurate information before they decide to have a cosmetic intervention.
Treatments You Can Trust
The SunnySide dental centre are pleased to inform our patients that we are now a Treatments You Can Trust approved and assessed Practice for injectable cosmetic treatments. Treatments You Can Trust is a quality assurance scheme for cosmetic injectable providers.
Treatments You Can Trust are in turn accredited by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care an independent statutory body, accountable to Parliament that sets robust standards in this sector.
SSDental felt it was important to be accredited by the Treatments You Can Trust organization who ensure that practitioners:–
• are appropriately trained and experienced to practice safely
• work with each individual patient to make sure their expectations about the outcomes that can be achieved for themselves are realistic
• follow current guidelines or protocols for safe, effective provision of cosmetic interventions
• consider the psychological needs of their patients
• do not allow any financial or commercial interests in a particular intervention
• do not allow an organisation providing cosmetic interventions, to adversely affect standards of good patient care.
• make sure premises meet certain requirements
• adhere to a code of practice that covers handling complaints and redress, insurance requirements, responsible advertising and consent practices
• continually demonstrate competence through an annual appraisal.
In short a Treatments you can Trust Quality Assurance mark, means as a patient you can expect:-
-Safe treatment
-From a trained practitioner
-In a suitable facility.
More information about the scheme here http://treatmentsyoucantrust.org.uk/patient-guide